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Long Tail Keywords

Long tail keywords are typically longer and more specific phrases. In addition, they target a smaller but highly relevant audience. As such, they play a pivotal role in driving targeted organic traffic to websites and boosting conversions. 

The term “long tail” was coined by Chris Anderson in his book, “The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business is Selling Less of More.” It refers to the statistical distribution curve. Here, most searches fall within the “head” or most popular terms. The less frequently searched, more specific terms make up the “tail.” Long tail keywords sit at the tail end of this curve.

They’re very much the opposite of short tail keywords which are shorter and more generic phrases. Head term or head keyword is another term used for a short tail keyword.

One of the distinct advantages of long tail keywords is their ability to capture search intent more effectively. When users search for long tail keywords, they’re often expressing clear intent. They’re closer to the point of purchase or seeking specific information. Take, for example, someone searching for “best running shoes for marathon training.” They’re likely a serious runner who’s actively researching and ready to make a purchase decision. Targeting these specific long tail keywords allows businesses to connect with motivated users and provide them with relevant content or products.

Beware, long tail keywords don’t always have lower competition than short tail keywords. Search engine advertising is an efficient market. Easily identifiable terms with strong commercial viability have a lot of advertising competition. That competition usually extends into organic search as well.

To identify effective long tail keywords, conducting thorough keyword research is essential. There are several tools available, such as MarketMuse, Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Moz Keyword Explorer.  They can help in finding long tail keyword suggestions based on search volume, competition, and relevance. Plus, Google Search Console or Google Analytics data can offer insight into keyword performance.

Make long tail keywords a part of your content marketing strategy. It will help maximize your website’s visibility and attract highly targeted traffic. The key is to create meaningful and informative content that aligns with those long tail keywords.  That’s how a brand establishes itself as a reliable source of information.

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