Content Inventory Insight With New User View
I’ll admit that poring over 30+ content metrics can be a challenge, more so if you’re new to MarketMuse, and especially if your primary focus is generating new content. If content audits and inventory analysis aren’t your cup of tea, we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. We created the New User View to ease new users into exploring their content inventory in a straightforward way.
Purpose of the New User Page View Template
This view provides a simple yet effective way of finding existing pages that:
- Rank for a lot of topics
- Have a lot of authority
- Are potentially valuable
- Have a lot of upside dollar-wise
These pages are potential candidates for either updating or creating new content, based on the topics for which they already rank.
Why would you create content on a topic for which you already rank?
Sometimes a powerful page ranks well for a topic even if it’s not covered very comprehensively. That page is at risk.
A page can rank for a topic, but not that well, due to an intent mismatch.
In any case you’ll want to either create new content or update the existing page to shore up and expand your rankings. Better to do that from a position of strength rather than picking topics through brainstorming.
Elements of the New User Page View Template
This template has ten columns of data, any of which can be sorted by clicking on the top of the column.
URL – Each row in the Page Inventory table has a unique URL which is the only data field that is required.
Related Topics – This shows the number of related topics for which this page ranks.
Page Title – As defined in the metadata of the page.
Organic Traffic Estimate – Based on the search volume of a term, considering your current position on the search engine results page (SERP), taking into account SERP features.
Page Authority – This is a calculation of the overall authority of a page relative to other pages on the same domain. Based on the page’s number of ranking topics and their rank, a page with many well-ranking topics will be more authoritative.
Word Count – The word count is based on the number of words in the main body with all the boilerplate content (like menus and footers) removed.
Search Intent – Each page can rank for multiple topics, and each topic can satisfy a different intent. So, in the list view, the most prominent intent is shown from those page/topic intent combinations.
Potential Value – The potential value of a page is the sum of the potential value of each topic for which the page ranks.
Using the New User Page View Template
Designed as a way to get comfortable interacting with MarketMuse content inventory, this view offers some very powerful insight into your most powerful pages, their value, and possibilities. There’s no filter applied and by default the results are sorted by the number of related topics (which are ranking). While there’s not a 1:1 correlation between the number of related topics and Page Authority, you’ll find that the highest authority pages tend to cluster towards the top of the list.
At the top of this list is our home page:
- It ranks for many related topics
- Together, those topics have a lot of search volume meaning people are interested in them.
- It’s a powerful page, based on its Page Authority
- The page is worth some decent money as indicated by its Potential Value
This makes it an ideal candidate for the Power Page Plan. In summary, the Power Page Plan finds powerful pages ranking for many topics and then uses those ranking topics as the basis for additional supporting pages. Content created around these topics have a significant advantage due to their inherent authority.
Click on any row in the list to see the details on that page. We’re interested in the ranking topics, so let’s take a look at that list. It looks similar to the list of pages but with metrics specific to topics. You can configure this table to show only the metrics you want, and sort by any of the fields as well.

One topic worth investigating is “ai topic optimization” as it’s something that relates to the MarketMuse brand. Here’s what the data tells me plus (what metric I use):
- We have a significant amount of authority on this topic (Topic Authority)
- That authority gives us a significant competitive advantage (Competitive Advantage)
- Content created around the topic will perform well (Personalized Difficulty)
- Our current page doesn’t cover the topic very well (Content Score)
This page ranks well for the term, even though it’s not about ai content optimization. It’s over- performing for this topic and thus at risk. As a defensive maneuver, I should consider creating an article specifically on “ai content optimization” because:
- It’s likely to rank well and solidify my position
- In a situation like this, I may even get two results in the SERP.
These are the kind of insights to which the New User View can lead. So it’s definitely worth taking the time to get familiar with this particular template.
Customizing This Page View Template
In the previous section, you discovered that you might need to customize the template. There are a number of ways you can do this:
Adjusting the filter – You can filter on any of the 30+ data points in Page Inventory. The filter criteria will vary depending on whether the data point is a number or text.

Fun Fact:You can filter on data points without having to display them in the list.
Modifying which columns are displayed – You can change which columns get displayed, except for the URL which is always displayed and pinned to the left.

Changing the order in which columns are displayed – Data columns can be ordered from left to right, depending on your workflow needs. Pinning a column keeps it visible as you scroll from left to right – very convenient in situations where you’re displaying a large number of data columns. You can pin multiple columns if you wish.
Changing the sort column and/or sort order – Page Inventory can be sorted on any column of data that’s displayed.
Here are some customizations you may want to make to this view:
- Sort by Page Authority so you immediately see all the powerful pages at the top of the list.
- Sort by Potential Value so you see your most valuable pages.
The New User View template is a deceptively simple yet powerful way of finding opportunities to update existing pages and create new content. It’s a good place from which to start exploring your content inventory. Remember, you can always customize the view to best match your workflow.
What you should do now
When you’re ready… here are 3 ways we can help you publish better content, faster:
- Book time with MarketMuse Schedule a live demo with one of our strategists to see how MarketMuse can help your team reach their content goals.
- If you’d like to learn how to create better content faster, visit our blog. It’s full of resources to help scale content.
- If you know another marketer who’d enjoy reading this page, share it with them via email, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook.
Stephen leads the content strategy blog for MarketMuse, an AI-powered Content Intelligence and Strategy Platform. You can connect with him on social or his personal blog.