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Search Query

A search query is a phrase or set of words used to search for information on the Internet, such as on a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Search queries are typically composed of keywords or key phrases that a user inputs into a search bar. The search engine then uses an algorithm to search through its index of web pages and returns results that match the search query.

Search queries can be simple, like a single word or a short phrase, or they can be complex and more specific, depending on the user’s intent and the information they’re looking for. For example, if a user is looking for local restaurants, they might simply type “restaurants near me” into the search field. But if they’re looking for a specific type of cuisine, they might add “chinese” or “latino” to the end of their query.

There are several types of search queries, including:

  1. Informational queries seek information on a particular topic. They typically start with words like “what,” “how,” “when,” “who,” or “where.”
  2. Navigational queries look for a particular website or web page. They usually include the name of the website or brand, or specific terms related to the content of the page.
  3. Transactional queries intend to complete a transaction, such as making a purchase, subscribing to a service, or downloading a file.
  4. Commercial queries look for information on products or services they may want to purchase. These queries often include specific brand names or product types.
  5. Local queries search for information related to a specific location, such as a business or service in a specific area.

Each of these query types has different search intent, and understanding the intent behind a user’s search can help search engines provide more relevant results. Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) often include various features beyond the traditional list of organic search results, depending on the intent. Some of the most common SERP features include Featured Snippet, Knowledge Panel, Image Pack, People Also Ask (PAA), and Local Pack.