MarketMuse NLG Technology vs GPT-3 Revisited
What happens when you combine two completely different NLG platforms?
Back in September 2020 when I first wrote about comparing MarketMuse NLG Technology with GPT-3 there weren’t many examples from which to draw, GPT-3 was still closed to the general public. Fast forward to 2021 and numerous startups are using GPT-3’s API to power their platforms.
Which made me curious. How does MarketMuse NLG Technology compare against GPT-3?
My experience the first time around wasn’t that great. The sample GPT-3 output I saw at the time left much to be desired. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have expected much. Typing in a topic title and expecting a decent piece of long-form content in return is quite a stretch. It still is.
This time around I took a different approach.
Enter Snazzy.AI a GPT-3 powered app that combines their own machine learning layer. Snazzy has a number of templates geared towards short-form content such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, landing pages, and product descriptions.
New to their platform is what they call their Content Expander that “expands a single sentence or bullet points into a complete thought.” That didn’t quite sound like long-form content to me, but I thought it was worth a shot.
So here’s what I did.

Setting up The NLG Experiment
The way Snazzy’s text expander works is that you provide it with a topic and a summary, along with some additional information and it will generate text output. Exactly how long the output is, seems arbitrary.
For that additional information, I provided Snazzy with the 10 most important topics from MarketMuse topic model for it to use as “Branded Keywords.”
The topic, by the way, is “glucagon as a non-invasive diabetic treatment.” Heavy stuff, for sure!
For this experiment, I used the output from MarketMuse NLG Technology. Keep in mind this is already a well-structured and topically-rich piece of content created through natural language generation.
I entered in the first subsection heading along with the first paragraph as priming material for the GPT-3 engine. I repeated this process for each additional subsection in the article, essentially stitching the generation together, section by section.
Before we look at the results, here are some statistics and KPIs courtesy of MarketMuse.
MarketMuse created a topic model for this topic and scored the top 20 search results against the model.
The Average Content Score was 23 with an average Word Count of 2,226. No one wants to be average, so MarketMuse also recommends a Target Content Score and Word Count of 35 and 4,962, respectively. Achieving that Content Score ensures a comprehensive piece of content, and most likely you’ll need to use the Target Word Count to do it.
The Results
Content Score | Word Count | |
MarketMuse NLG Technology | 31 | 1,760 |
GPT-3 (Snazzy) | 26 | 953 |
The results were quite good all-round. Normally, MarketMuse NLG Technology output hits the Target Content Score. But in this case, I kept the same older output used in my previous comparison post, while the topic model (from which Target Content Score is derived) is the most current.
The GPT-3 output performed well, with just a Content Score of 20% less than MarketMuse NLG Technology. It also accomplished this with far fewer words.
MarketMuse NLG Technology
Here’s a snippet of MarketMuse NLG Technology.
GPT-3 (Snazzy) With MarketMuse MarketMuse NLG Technology
Here’s part of the NLG output from Snazzy including the subheadings and text used to prime the GPT-3 generation.
The GPT-3 output from Snazzy is quite impressive and nicely complements that of MarketMuse NLG Technology. Overall, it reads well.
Upon refection, the resulting content is really a collaboration between two NLG platforms, MarketMuse NLG Technology and GPT-3. MarketMuse NLG Technology provided 25% of the initial content as a primer for GPT-3 while it generated the balance. While that may seem excessive, I suspect that GPT-3’s model needs a sufficient amount of existing content in order to set the direction.
That’s seems to be key.
Certainly, generating long-form content is a different beast than, say, creating a Facebook ad, for a number of reasons.
Lastly, keep in mind that no editing was done. Also, I didn’t run multiple generations through Snazzy, I just ran one instance for each section and took the raw output.
What you should do now
When you’re ready… here are 3 ways we can help you publish better content, faster:
- Book time with MarketMuse Schedule a live demo with one of our strategists to see how MarketMuse can help your team reach their content goals.
- If you’d like to learn how to create better content faster, visit our blog. It’s full of resources to help scale content.
- If you know another marketer who’d enjoy reading this page, share it with them via email, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook.
Stephen leads the content strategy blog for MarketMuse, an AI-powered Content Intelligence and Strategy Platform. You can connect with him on social or his personal blog.